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Marathon recruitment, at a sprint

The London Marathon provides a huge fundraising and awareness opportunity for charities with places for runners. Every year, thousands of people hit the road in bright charity-branded vests, rosy cheeked and ready to run for a good cause. However, there are just as many people who don't get a ballot place, as there are charities who need people to run for them and make the most of their sponsorship.

YMCA England and Wales asked 11 London to help them to maximise their Marathon fundraising potential, by producing a suite of Facebook posts to recruit new runners. With 11 London Social Labs, we split-tested a selection of creative routes, carefully monitoring the performance of each post, and adjusting our audience and spend to really get the most out of the budget.

The campaign has run for two weeks, and results have already been a personal best. It’s a great example of using a targeted audience approach, with a quick turnaround, and being open to which route wins the day.

Good luck to all the new runners! We’ll see you at the finish line. 

Winning creative from social lab testing

Images: the two winning creatives from social testing, featuring 11 London's managing director, Matt Hunt (left) who ran the marathon for YMCA last year. 

About 11 London

11 London is an advertising and communications agency, based in leafy West London. We work in the areas of health and humanity - with organisations, brands or products that improve or prolong life. To learn more about 11 London, please contact:

Matthew Hunt


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